So, I wrote a children’s book! What inspired me? My children of course. I’ve loved reading and writing short stories from a young child, but as I got older I worked, got married, had children and started my business so I didn’t have the luxury to read like I once did let alone write.

Once I had Eliana I started to buy a mountain of children’s books (as you do) I enjoyed reading to her from a baby and her book collection only grew. Fast forward she started asking me to make up stories at bedtime and at first I didn’t know if I could, but I just went with 2 things I know she loves which is without doubt Cake and Cats. She loved it!

The Queen Cat & Cake was born that night and I thought I’d better write it down in case she asks me to tell it again ha! I then wondered if I could get it published and have it sit on the bookshelf along with all the other books we own and almost chuckled at the thought, but pursued it anyway.

I have since written many other stories which I hope to share with you all one day.

The Queen cat & Cake is available to pre-order online through Amazon, Waterstones, WHSmith and Barnes & noble.

Why not purchase for your home if you have kids or for a niece, nephew, grandchild or Godchild. After all, Christmas is coming!

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